A. By the General Public
  • The Public Service Board is a Constitutional body established under the County Governments Act, 2012.
  • The Board is responsible for management of human resource in public service in terms of recruitment, promotions, promotion of values and principles of public service, performance management, re-designations, disciplinary control and recommendations to SRC, on behalf of the county government, on the remuneration, pensions and gratuities for public service employees.

The Board comprises of:

  • A Chairperson nominated and appointed by the County Governor with the approval of the County Assembly.
  • Five (5) members nominated and appointed by the County Governor with the approval of the County Assembly.
  • A certified Public Secretary of good professional standing nominated and appointed by the County Governor with the approval of the County Assembly, who shall be the secretary to the Board.
  • Establish and abolish offices in the county public service;
  • Appoint persons to hold or act in offices of the county public service including in the Boards of cities and urban areas within the county and to confirm appointments;
  • Exercise disciplinary control over, and remove, persons holding or acting in those offices as provided for under this Part;
  • Prepare regular reports for submission to the county assembly on the execution of the functions of the Board;
  • Promote in the county public service the values and principles referred to in Articles 10 and 232;
  • Evaluate and report to the county assembly on the extent to which the values and principles referred to in Articles 10 and 232 are complied with in the county public service;
  • Facilitate the development of coherent, integrated human resource planning and budgeting for personnel emoluments in counties;
  • Advise the county government on human resource management and development;
  • Advise county government on implementation and monitoring of the national performance management system in counties;
  • Make recommendations to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, on behalf of the county government, on the remuneration, pensions and gratuities for county public service employees.
  • In Kakamega town, at the former Provincial Headquarters, Block ‘B’, 2nd Floor

Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. except for Public Holidays when the offices are closed.

When there are vacancies declared by the user department e.g Departments of Health, Education (ECDE), Agriculture and Roads.

Through advertising, shortlisting, interviewing and appointing successful candidates.

In line with the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and County Governments Act, 2012, specifically, outlined requirements for the job; competitiveness and merit; integrity; gender balance; equitable distribution; other ethnic groups; marginalized groups i.e People Living with Disability (PwDs), youth and women.

  • The County’s Website – kakamega.go.ke
  • Mainstream print media
  • The Board notice board
  • At Sub-County office notice boards

Those meeting qualifications for the job specified in the advertisement.

  • Through the County Public Service Board website; kakamega.go.ke;
  • Through mobile phone SMS service 0718754093;

Through receipt of a formal letter offering you the job.

  • Through the post addressed to the Board Secretary, P. O. Box 458-50100, Kakamega
  • Through courier services
  • By hand delivery to the Board

When the number of applications is significantly higher than the available vacancies, the Board objectively determines and considers additional factors to carry out the shortlisting.

Yes. The CPSB is an equal opportunity employer. However, you must meet the specified requirements in order to be considered. Affirmative action may be applied where necessary.

The Department of Public Service and Administration is one of the departments in the county government charged with the responsibility of coordination of the human resource function within the County Public Service for dissemination to the Board for action in line with its mandate. Whereas County Public Service Board

  • Facilitates  the development of coherent, integrated human resource planning and budgeting for personnel emoluments in counties
  • Advises the county government on human resource management and development;
  • Makes recommendations to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, on behalf of the county government, on the remuneration, pensions and gratuities for county public service employees.
B. By officers serving the County Government

When the number of qualified officers due for promotion is higher than the available positions, the Board objectively determines and considers additional factors such as years of experience.

Selection for training is based on specified requirements, training needs and priorities, budgetary provisions, number of applicants, the scheme of service requirement among others.

  • One needs to put a request for unpaid study leave to County Human Resource Management and Advisory Committee

(CHRMAC) through the relevant department for discussion and recommendation to the Board for decision making.  

  • Unpaid Leave may be granted by the CHRMAC on recommendation of the Authorized Officer on the following grounds:-
  1. Urgent private affairs of exceptional nature not exceeding sixty (60) calendar days;
  2. Officers whose spouses are posted to foreign missions during the tour of service;
  • Officers who are appointed to international organizations where they cannot transfer their service or be on secondment for a period not exceeding three (3) years;
  1. A spouse of an officer appointed under (iii) above, will be granted Unpaid Leave for a period not exceeding three (3) years. This will be applicable to one spouse.
  • Unpaid Leave will not have increment-earning.
  • The period of unpaid leave will not be pension-earning under the Pensions Act Cap. 189.
  • There shall be no provision for unpaid study leave in the County public service.
  • If a decision is made by your immediate supervisor, one may appeal to the Head of Section, Authorized Officer/Chief Officer, or CHRMAC
  • If the decision is made by CHRMAC, one appeals to the County Public Service Board (CPSB)
  • If the decision is made by the CPSB then one appeals to Public Service Commission (PSC)

After concurrence between the receiving and releasing county governments, approval of the CPSB on recommendation of CHRMAC.

The Board or office with delegated authority will make a decision based on:

  • Availability of vacancy
  • The job group one is currently serving which must be in line with specified conditions for re-designation
  • Suitability interview taking account of the job family/cadre
  • When you have the qualifications to hold the given position
  • When appointed by the CPSB or office with delegated authority to the particular position
  • When you do not possess the necessary qualifications to act in a given position.
  • When appointed by the CPSB or office with delegated authority to the particular position