Public Service & Administration

Ms. Rodah Awinja Masaviru

Executive Committee Member

The Ministry Public Service and Administration, Office of the Governor is responsible for the effective and efficient management and development of the Human Resources in the County. These entails: the development of human resource management policies and procedures; designing and development of organizational structures; determination of optimal staffing levels and ensuring effective utilization of staff.

The Ministry is also charged with the responsibility of developing training and capacity building programmes to enhance the capacity and competency of the staff to effectively perform their respective duties in the County.

The Ministry is also responsible for ensuring that performance management systems are in place through the introduction of results based management systems that will result in the signing of    performance targets and mainstreaming appraisal systems for the staff in the County.

As part of performance improvement initiatives the current processes are being reviewed to re-engineer and remove all the non- value adding processes to ensure effective and efficient delivery of services to people of the County.

To turn around the economy of the County, it is critical that research and service delivery innovations are part and parcel of the management systems. The Ministry is therefore, putting in place all the necessary mechanisms to encourage research and innovation in the County.

The Ministry is coordinating and providing administrative services at the headquarters, county zones, sub-counties, words and up to the village level. These Administrative Units are put in place to ensure that service reaches all the people in the County.

Through the Administrative Units, the Ministry is putting in place mechanisms and systems to effectively disseminate National and County Government information to the public and also strategies for public participation in Government initiatives geared towards improvement of their livelihood. The ministry will also put in place disaster management units in the headquarters and county zones.

Common service agency management units such Human Resource, Supplies Chain Management, Accounts/Audit Units and their respective management committees are being operationalized to ensure these services are delivered effectively and efficiently to the internal and external customers. Modernizing and transforming the Records Management function in the County Government of Kakamega is on the priority agenda of the Ministry.  These include setting up a good manual systems and computerizing the records for easy access and retrieval. Necessary mechanisms are also being put in place to mainstream cross cutting programmes such as HIV/AIDs, gender and disability among others in the County programmes accordingly.

We in this Ministry are therefore, prepared to put all our efforts in ensuring that appropriate systems, procedures, structures, skilled and competent staff are in place to deliver the mandate of the County Government Kakamega to the people.